BC Onboarding Committee:

Onboarding Committee

Purpose. The purpose of the Onboarding Committee (OnboardingC) is to create and manage a framework that helps to attract and retain engaged participation within the BC for new members with the aim of helping them grow in participation and engagement. This committee will develop a system to help new BC members quickly find their feet within the constituency, develop a strategic roadmap for member onboarding and mentorship, asides constantly developing and reviewing existing BC centered courses on the ICANN Learn platform and update such content to reflect current realities.

It would be the responsibility of the Onboarding committee to also help intending members to the BC enhance their interest and participation leading to securing a membership with the BC. The committee will focus on identification, development and implementation of strategies and tactics to help new and intending entrants to the BC quickly find their feet and help address issues of volunteer burnout within the BC.

The Onboarding Committee supports:

Outreach Committee: In its recruitment drive for new members into the BC across the commercial business users’ network, as they work together to implement goals, strategies and objectives for recruitment of new entrants to the BC.

Credential Committee: In its admission of members and continuous review of a member’s status within the BC. The task of onboarding continues where the Cc has finalized its task of admitting a new member into the BC.

Member’s engagement and retention is at the core of the Onboarding Committees duties. The Committee will help foster and build active engagement by working with members and staff to evaluate and determine membership priorities, enhance membership satisfaction and focusing on articulating the unique value of a BC membership within the ICANN Community.

The committee would also be expected to interface with ICANN Learn and other internal teams to design and create new courses that would be beneficial to the BC and suitable for Executives wishing to onboard into the ICANN community aside other newcomers.

Composition. The ICANN Learn and Onboarding Committee (ILOC) shall be comprised of the Chair and 4 Business Constituency Members (5 total) if there are sufficient volunteers; otherwise, composition will be the Chair and 2 Business Constituency Members. If more than 5 members of the Business Constituency volunteer for service on the Onboarding Committee, an open election of the Business Constituency membership will be held. Volunteers will be elected or affirmed by the membership for a term of up to two years with a single one-year term extension possible. The composition of the ILOC should endeavor to achieve geographic diversity.

Duties. The ICANN Learn & Onboarding Committee is responsible for:

  • collaborating with staff and leadership, to welcome each new BC member(s) and help them find ways to connect with their areas of interest within the BC.
  • To promote and increase membership participation within the BC such that members do not lose interest in active participation
  • To coordinate the experience of ICANN and BC funded leadership programme travelers at ICANN Public Meetings and other similar opportunities with a focus on mentorship.
  • To coordinate the BC mentoring initiative for new and intending members to help build new leaders within the constituency
  • To ensure the continuous generation of onboarding materials compliant with the ICANN Learn platform and track its use for onboarding new members into the BC
  • To develop a comprehensive annual plan and implement a strategy on ways to evolve participation amongst existing members that enables the attraction of new members and retention of existing ones.
  • To develop and execute outreach strategies in collaboration with the Outreach Committee.

The committee of three to five members would elect its own chair and present a budget to the ExCom through the finance committee during the BC budget planning cycle. Only current members of the BC in good financial standing are expected to serve on the Onboarding Committee. Members currently serving on two committees of the BC would not be eligible to serve on a third. This does not however apply to working parties as they are short termed in nature. A Vice-Chair Finance and Operations or his/her delegate shall serve as a member of the committee and shall be its liaison to the ExComm.


Roger Baah

2 Mark Datysgeld   Member
3 Segun Omolosho   Member
4 Segunfunmi Olajide   Member

